It has been by inch and trickle that the continued isolation and stress of COVID has covered the person I want to be. The person who has friends and laughs a lot and has time to walk on the beach. The person who feels hopeful and creative and connected.
Now we’re heading into another year of rampant COVID and I live in a community where vaccination rates and mask-wearing are low. Another year when I wistfully look at pictures of travel, readings, conferences, and art openings, but feel like I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I was the person who passed on COVID to someone who got really sick. It happens. People infect their beloved grandmothers or friends undergoing chemotherapy. Since March 2020, 836,000 people in the United States have died due to COVID.
I’m torn. Am I being too cautious? Should I just go ahead and catch COVID and get it over with? Am I a sheep? I used to be so much surer, and I still believe that critically reading the science and listening to respected medical professionals is the way to go. But I also sometimes feel like the last person who is actually doing so. And I haven’t seen my brother and sister since March 2020. I haven’t gone to an art opening or a reading. I haven’t flown anyplace. For one brief moment last June, I actually went to a restaurant. Once. I haven’t really even seen friends in person that often.
So, I’m back at this small corner of the web with some thoughts. A little life ring buoy thrown out into rough and dark seas. A lone candle in the window. A chance to talk about poetry a little, life a little. Perhaps to strategize on how to find my way back to a life when I truly felt like I was “being poetry.” I hope that I’m able to commit to being here with you.
I built my life raft in 2021 from poetry books. Here is the list that I read (or read again):
The Shadow Owner’s Companion by Eleanor Hooker
Late Wife by Claudia Emerson
Quickening Fields by Pattiann Rogers
Earthly Meditations by Robert Wrigley
The Old Woman, the Tulip, and the Dog by Alicia Suskin Ostriker
Death Tractates by Brenda Hillman
The Charm by Kathy Fagan
Shirt in Heaven by Jean Valentine
Ecodeviance (Soma)tics for the Future Wilderness by CA Conrad
Vivarium by Natasha Sajé
Love, the Magician by Medbh McGuckian
A Responsibility to Awe by Rebecca Elson
And So Wax Was Made and Also Honey by Amy Beeder (p )
Be Holding by Ross Gay
The Earliest Witnesses by C.G. Waldrep
Vertigo and Ghost by Fiona Benson
God of Nothingness by Mark Wunderlich
Self-Portrait with Cephalopod by Kathryrn Smith
Rilke’s book of Hours
Frank: Sonnets by Diane Seuss
Conjure by Rae Armantrout
Little Big Bully by Heid E. Erdrich
Made to Explode by Sandra Beasley
Bright Travellers by Fiona Benson
Foxlogic, Fireweed by Jennifer K. Sweeney
American Wake by Kerrin McCadden
North True South Bright by Dan Beachy-Quick
The Rain Barrel by Frank Ormsby
To Star the Dark by Doireann Ni Ghriofa
Indigo by Ellen Bass
In a Hare’s Eye by Breda Wall Ryan
Survival is a Style by Christian Wiman
Goldenrod by Maggie Smith
Lupercal by Ted Hughes
If This is the Age We End Discovery by Rosebud Ben-Oni
Twice Alive by Forrest Gander
Bonfire Opera by Danusha Laméris
Of Sea by Elizabeth-Jane Burnett
The Denunciations by Donika Kelly
Bindweed by Mark Roper
Eat or We Both Starve by Victoria Kennefick
The Century by Éireann Lorsung
ScarTissue by Charles Wright
The Glass Constellations by Arthur Sze
The Nightfields by Joanna Klink
A Net to Catch My Body in its Weaving by Katie Ferris
The Light We Cannot See by Anne Casey
Pilgrim Bell by Kaveh Akbar
A Fish to Feed All Hunger by Sandra Alcosser
Middle Earth by Henri Cole
Nothing Always Comes Your Way by Nicole Stellon O’Donnell
Odes by Sharon Olds
As If by Magic by Paula Meehan
Liffey Sequence by David Butler
Riptide by Amanda Bell
Falling Awake by Alice Oswald
Quantum Lyrics by A. Van Jordan
Dear Memory by Victoria Chang
Eternal Sentences by Michael McGriff
Of Ochre and Ash by Eleanor Hooker
A Thousand times You Lose Your Treasure by Hoa Nguyen
Inmates by Sean Borodale
The Thicket by Kasey Jueds
The Thunder Mutters edited by Alice Oswald
Wing by Matthew Francis
Poetics for the More-Than-Hunan World, edited by Mary Newell et al
Nobody by Alice Oswald
A Coast of Trees by A.R. Ammons
Oak by Katharine Towers
Meadowlands by Louise Glück
Beauty Refracted by Carol Moldaw
Thank you for writing this. You’ve expressed what I am experiencing too. I just want to say: You are not alone. I have been doggedly reading the science and the rising numbers, and now feel that most everyone else has left the room to tune into some other show. It’s been too hard for too long, and most people have talked themselves into a less difficult reality.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.